

律政研究院 法学院申请与求职专家 2022-07-25




总体来看,T15法学院所属大学的商学院在US News排名中也表现不俗。除了乔治城大学麦克多诺商学院的US News排名为21外,其余商学院的排名均位列美国前20,且占据了商学院榜单的前三甲。其中,斯坦福大学商学院登顶榜首,位列US News全美第一,而享有盛誉的宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院位于US News第二名;排在第三名的是芝加哥大学布斯商学院。



You can take up to 6 credits toward the LL.M. degree in schools outside of the Law School, including the School of Management.


In order to graduate from the LLM program, a student must take between 35-45 approved quarter units. A maximum of 9 of those units can come from non-law classes. If you look at the page for the specialization(s) that you are interested in, you can see their curriculum requirements and recommended electives. Some of the specializations will list recommendations or information on non-law classes.


As an HLS student, one of the unrivaled benefits is the access you have to courses and faculty members in the other Harvard Schools. Whether you’re interested in exploring the international development offerings at the Kennedy School, learning more about entrepreneurial finance at the Business School or MIT, you should consider taking full advantage of the cross-registration opportunities we offer. LL.M. students up to 6 cross-registration credits, toward their degree.


LL.M. students are permitted to register for up to six points of graduate level courses in other departments of the University when such work is deemed appropriate and relevant to their academic programs.


You are able to attend classes at Booth during the LLM. However, those credits do not count towards your final LLM graduation requirements. In order to receive the LLM a student must successfully pass 27 credits. The maximum number of credits a student can take during the LLM is 42.


The Advanced Certificate in Law & Business (ACLB) is designed for admitted NYU Law students. The ACLB provides law students with tools necessary to understand the finance and accounting that underlie the transactions and business structures that lawyers design. The program is uniquely designed for future business lawyers. It permits students to receive graduate level business school training in conjunction with their legal education and to earn an Advanced Certificate from the NYU Stern School of Business.


Wharton’s Aresty Institute of Executive Education, in conjunction with the University of Pennsylvania Law School, is pleased to offer a specialized certificate for students enrolled in Penn Law’s Master of Laws degree program. The WBLC is ideal for those who are — and those who aspire to be — corporate lawyers, in-house counsel, judges, bankers, and other internationally trained legal professionals enrolled in Penn Law’s LLM program.


LL.M. students are welcome to take up to 3 credits (3 credits is the maximum allowed) at other departments at UVA and still count those credits towards the 24 to graduate with a LL.M. degree.

Students will need permission from their academic advisor at the law school for that, as well as the registrar from the other department and the registrar at the law school. There is a formal process for this, and requests are considered based on available spots in the class (after the department’s degree-seeking students register, since they have priority registration for courses within their department).


Designed to integrate American and international law students at various levels of study, the traditional track allows candidates to satisfy degree requirements by enrolling in courses and seminars from among those offered to law students pursuing the J.D. degree. Aside from a few core curriculum courses specifically designed for international students, LL.M. candidates may select law courses as they see fit, with the exception of a few that are restricted to the J.D. curriculum. In addition to earning the degree, students seeking in-depth training in a particular area of law may earn a Certificate of Specialization.


You need 24 credits in law courses to earn an LLM degree. In addition, you also may take classes anywhere in the University. Cross-listed courses may also be included in satisfying the 24 law credits requirement. Cross-listed courses are interdisciplinary courses offered/approved by the Law School and other schools or departments, such as The Fuqua School of Business and the Sanford School of Public Policy. There are very few cross-listed courses. The only restriction on the number of courses can take in other schools at Duke (not at other colleges) is a student’s available time.


I am glad to confirm that you can take up to 6 credits at any of the University of Michigan top ranked programs, including the Ross School of Business. However, no certificate will be awarded.


In the past, law students have had the opportunity to take certain core Kellogg School of Management courses, such as Accounting for Decision-Making and Business Strategy, taught by full-time Kellogg professors. A varying number of these courses have been offered each academic year, and law students have received full course credit toward their law degree when taking them. Subject to course bidding procedures and course availability, law students may enroll in as many of these courses as they wish. The courses are identical in content and format to those taught to Kellogg MBA students.


LL.M. students are eligible to take up to 6 credits outside of regularly scheduled law school courses. Many students choose to take graduate-level courses at the SC Johnson College of Business. Any non-law courses taken will be included on the student’s law school transcript. There is no separate certificate apart from the LL.M. degree.


All LL.M. students (those that specialize and those that do the general LL.M.) are allowed to take one class outside of the law school at a different graduate facility on campus (like the business school) and have it count towards their LL.M. degree. You will not receive a separate certificate for doing so.


Full-time graduate students may take undergraduate and graduate courses outside of the Law Center during the Fall and Spring semesters without additional charge. Enrollment in Georgetown’s non-Law Center courses is limited to two courses or a maximum of 5 credits per semester. These credits will not be applied toward your LLM degree requirements. They will just be additional courses you are allowed to take on top of your required courses at the Law Center.




截止本次发文,伯克利并未回复邮件,其官网说法是“Aside from a few core curriculum courses specifically designed for international students, LL.M. candidates may select law courses as they see fit”,因此我们暂且理解为伯克利的LLM学生仅可以选择法学院提供的课程。












纽约大学法学院为在读学生提供了法律与商业高级证书(Advanced Certificate in Law & Business, ACLB)。该证书专为未来的商业律师设计,涵盖了基本的商业技术和实践,允许学生在法学院学习的同时接受研究生级别的商学院培训,并获得纽约大学斯特恩商学院(Leonard N. Stern School of Business)提供的高级证书。纽约大学商学院是美国领先的商学院,其金融系尤其被公认为美国金融、银行、投资和相关领域教学和研究的领先中心之一。


为了获得ACLB证书,学生需要15个学分的商业课程学习,其中 9 个学分需要在夏季学期完成,由斯特恩商学院提供。夏季学期将提供一些商业基础课程,课程为期六周,每门课程需要大约37学时的教学时间。核心暑期课程包括:1)Financial Accounting and Reporting;2)Statistics and Data Analysis;3)Foundations of Corporate Finance。如果学生已经修读过其中一门核心课程或在所涵盖的主题方面有很丰富的经验,则可以选择斯特恩商学院提供的更高级别的暑期商业课程。







被ACLB录取的学生需要支付250美金的占位费,占位费将计入学费。ACLB证书课程的学费包括夏季学期的9个学分。这些学分的学费和注册费将按照商学院研究生院学分的正常费率收取。2021夏季学期的课程费用为22,469美元。纽约大学的学生也可以申请斯特恩商学院提供的Financial Aid。

此外,ACLB学生可能需要支付额外的费用,例如健康保险和纽约大学全球服务办公室(Office of Global Services)的费用。



宾夕法尼亚大学法学院依托其强劲的沃顿商学院(Wharton School),也为LLM学生开设了商业方向的专门项目--沃顿商业与法律证书(Wharton Business and Law Certificate, WBLC)。WBLC适合那些已经是或者渴望成为公司律师、内部法务、法官、银行家的LLM学生。

只有已经被宾大法学院LLM录取的学生可以通过宾大的Wharton Executive Education网站提交电子申请,届时法学院会向被录取的学生提供申请链接。2021年的申请已经于2021年8月20日截止,学费为14,760美元。



其中,秋季学期课程有:Corporate Finance和Global Strategic Management;春季学期课程有:Mergers and Acquisitions和International Corporate Finance。


宾大WBLC证书课程不提供学分。完成课程后,学生会收到及格/不及格 (P/F),这由课程教师自行决定,并将在课程第一天提供的课程大纲中进行解释。对于要计入证书的给定WBLC课程,学生必须获得“及格 (P)”。成功完成所有WBLC课程的学生将获得沃顿商学院颁发的证书,证书会列明所修课程。此外,宾大法学院成绩单上的“评论(Comments)”部分也会注明该学生获得了WBLC证书。





